21 March 2010
12 March 2010
Solve The probleM..
To overcome this problem pengkid is not easy .. even that several approaches and efforts can be done. Among them is the strict enforcement of them. Heavy sentence must be imposed to those involved. This is important to realize that they walk on the right way. Besides, continuing awareness on them is very necessary. So everyone should play the role of providing awareness. People should not allow youth who are directly involved in the destruction. we need each other on fiscal mistakes of others. We can not let themselves but to guide them. they need tutoring and advice to change. In addition, parents are actually the very role in overcoming this problem. Because parents are important agents of socialization. They need to rebuke the way their children are not correct. development of their children is also under their control. If parents are really responsible, their children may get stuck in a problem like this pengkid. Parents need to spend time with children, discuss the problem together. This is very important to prevent problems among them, so act outside expectations. However, self-awareness is something important. If it is always self-identify themselves, it is not possible we will go through and choose the wrong road. We need to smooth adapt to the environment. We are able to improve ourselves for the better.
By: Noorhafiza hasni Ab Manaf-A127607
PROJECT POP 4 GROUP MEMBER at 2:04 PM 7 comments
hmmm..tell about pENGKID...
Many problems for so long about pengkid until now exposed in the media. While the National Fatwa Council has issued a fatwa related to the sentence above, but clearly this approach does not give full effect to those involved. As we know, has many Da'wah made by the responsible bodies. However they have so lack awareness. This social crime simply does not need just left. Because this will impact and thus destroy the future of religion, race and nation. Those involved seem to waive the requirements of religion. This clearly shows the holdings of each religion is not strong. They do not open the mind to think about the impact on the community and also themselves. So, thats become problem. Actually more thrilling way to find them without damaging themselves. Many efforts to overcome is the role of all parties. and important, we should not blame each other.
by; Noorhafiza Hasni AB manaf-A127607
PROJECT POP 4 GROUP MEMBER at 1:50 PM 4 comments
Give more EFFECTS...
Pengkid is a problem that has long existed. That problem gives much effects. For example, negative perception by the community. This is because their behavior beyond the boundaries of religion violates the norm of life. What we know they are very proud with their lives if they know it is wrong. Essentially, people looked upon them as a group of people that are not developed and lost. As we know them difficult to be accepted by society. Just throw words to hurt them because the community, particularly Malaysia can’t accept that they belong to the group, which pengkid. They are in fact the carrier problem. Their behavior can affect society to behave like them. We do not want young people who have influenced the holy spirit to change that should not. The next generation must be lead the right way. Youth is now leading the future generation. They should be role-model. However, there Pengkid those that cannot be eliminated this will indeed prevent direction the next generation. This is something that is not good in terms of ethical and moral society. Then, as we know religion also forbids us to destroy ourselves with things like this. Religion commands us to make what is right and what is forbidden to leave. Besides, the existence of this cause pengkid life itself is not towards progress. They seem to damage the self does not guarantee anything. Themselves destroyed, damaged, they have no morals. was due to no self-awareness in the pursuit of pleasure and not just any promises. They will not succeed as long as no way back to the right.
by: Noorhafiza Hasni Ab Manaf-A127607
PROJECT POP 4 GROUP MEMBER at 1:25 PM 5 comments
03 March 2010
Factor begin a PENGKID
PROJECT POP 4 GROUP MEMBER at 5:10 AM 7 comments
16 February 2010
For your infomation, The Principal Youth and Women's Center Happiness (KEWAJA), Yahya Mohd Yusof said pengkid not view their identity and located on their own group. This problem must be settle before its give the big effect for the community.
Pengkid rigid more difficult to change their identity in the short time, rather tahn victim. Since 1988, about 200 cetogorized as pengkid and victim pengkid come to KEWAJA as the volunteers person or the parents send them to KEWAJA.
post by FATIN
PROJECT POP 4 GROUP MEMBER at 7:47 AM 4 comments
19 January 2010
a life journey..
Pengkid..become brave ???.. pengkid group is somewhat hidden and located in its own group..
PROJECT POP 4 GROUP MEMBER at 6:16 PM 2 comments
11 January 2010
- From the age of the children they already see a tendency of more interest to women, in addition to the negative atmosphere when they look like grown men who are deemed as violent as the father is not responsible, and feet at others. They are grouping as predators or prey.
- they feel comfortable because they will not exposed to the pregnant risk.
- Some of them were from high education students but actually they are not have social skills and failed to control their emotions.
PROJECT POP 4 GROUP MEMBER at 1:28 AM 1 comments
What is "pengkid"?
Pengkid is referring to young woman who have appearance as men, including behaviour, attitudes, and actions, even love and attraction sexuality tendency is similar.
PROJECT POP 4 GROUP MEMBER at 1:21 AM 1 comments
06 January 2010
PROJECT POP 4 GROUP MEMBER at 1:58 AM 0 comments
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