wHat TiMe nOw..??

19 January 2010

a life journey..

Pengkid..become brave ???.. pengkid group is somewhat hidden and located in its own group..

11 January 2010


  • From the age of the children they already see a tendency of more interest to women, in addition to the negative atmosphere when they look like grown men who are deemed as violent as the father is not responsible, and feet at others. They are grouping as predators or prey.
  • they feel comfortable because they will not exposed to the pregnant risk.
  • Some of them were from high education students but actually they are not have social skills and failed to control their emotions.

What is "pengkid"?

Pengkid is referring to young woman who have appearance as men, including behaviour, attitudes, and actions, even love and attraction sexuality tendency is similar.

06 January 2010


Maybe PENGKID is the best topic for us to discuss. Futhermore..pengkid is the phenomena that happen only in Malaysia!!! What do you think??

We are new here...

Hello everyone..we are new here...just want to share with the others about our topic for BIUSS project. Hope u all enjoy reading it...heheheh